[eng] Photos from premiere dance theatre O.de.la of "Memory source. Kantor, Grotowski, Szajna". Performence "Gentle" based on Fiodor Dostojewski's story. in Marta Bury's choreography will be at this Sunday in MASKA Theatre. Authors of this performance are interesting in silence - the source of suffering and loneliness the main Dostojewski's characters. Analysis of silence - shelving of communication between two people - spouses, cursed with company, is the most interesting problem of this perpormance. More information in link above.
[pl] Na premierze można było odebrać nagrody w postaci autografów tancerzy teatru O.de.la, jak również płyty z nagraniem choraografii z moim zdjęciem na okładce. DZIĘKI!
[eng] On premiere you could get prizes like dancer's autographs of O.de.la theatre or CD's with choreography video with my photo on the cover. THANKS!
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