Trzeci dzień w podróży. Wynajmujemy autko i ciśniemy! Wpiszcie sobie w Google "Monastery" i zobaczycie, że jest ich strasznie dużo, dlatego my wybraliśmy dosłownie tylko parę tych punkcików, żeby zdążyć zobaczyć też inne atrakcje. Poniżej nasza jednodniowa traska dodając jeszcze jeden Klasztor w Kutaisi. Samo miasto szczerze mówiąc nieciekawe, byliśmy też strasznie późno, ale zjedliśmy lokalne żarcie w fajnej gruzińskiej knajpie! Warto było przyjechać na pyszne Chaczapuri czy Lobiani.
Third day in a trtip. We're renting a car and let's go! Write in Google "Monastery" and see, that it's so many of them, that's why we chose just few on these points, to see also other atractions. Below our one day trip road adding also one more Monastery in Kutaisi. To be honest city is not interesting, we were also late a little bit, but we ate local food in nice georgian restaurant! It was worth it to come for delicious Chaczpuri or Lobiani.
Third day in a trtip. We're renting a car and let's go! Write in Google "Monastery" and see, that it's so many of them, that's why we chose just few on these points, to see also other atractions. Below our one day trip road adding also one more Monastery in Kutaisi. To be honest city is not interesting, we were also late a little bit, but we ate local food in nice georgian restaurant! It was worth it to come for delicious Chaczpuri or Lobiani.

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